Early this morning at 4 AM our security lights go on all around the house and our alarm is sounding off. Does anyone wake up but me? No! How they cannot hear this blaring noise is beyond me. I wake up Ben and he says "what?" The Alarm is going off! Get up! Is something on fire? How do we turn it off? Did someone come into our house? Were all my standard questions in a 10 sec period! I am thinking Police are coming to our house, should I get dressed? Should Ben? Are my kids up? I go into their room, fast asleep. We start walking around the house, no fire, all doors and windows are closed. Ben finds the alarm box and turns it off. No ADT calling to make sure we are ok.
So we go back to bed. 5 min later the fans turn off and I can hear beeps from downstairs from computers turning off. Power outage. I grab my iPhone and turn on the flashlight app. Ben and I get back up and see that all the power is gone from the neighborhood. We can hear other homes alarms and police sirens.
So weird that no one got out of their house to see what all the commotion was at our house. They were all fast asleep I am sure.