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Home away from Home

Monday, October 19, 2009

Traffic Lights

You have to love the traffic lights here in Germany. Not only do they go from Green, yellow to red. They also go from red, yellow to green. I always feel like I am at the Indy 500, or I am getting ready for a drag race. As I sit at the red light I start to rev my engine as the light turns yellow, ready to kick it into high gear and leave the Smart car http://teakdoor.com/classifieds-help-wanted-and-personal-ads/25205-smart-car.htmlbeside me in my dust! The light is green, I giddy up and go...my little Volkswagen Golf is in high gear reaching such high speeds in a single bound! Only to finally get up to the 50 km speed limit and have to slow down again for the next light..but wait I can see that the red light is turning yellow, which means, it will be green in 2 seconds..keep the pedal to the metal and fly right through that light!


  1. Just don't get a ticket! That is funny. Mike would love that.

  2. I remember that from when I visited Sweden. I wonder what the purpose really is? I mean why wouldn't all traffic lights work the same everywhere? Do you like knowing that the 'green' light is coming better than when you were here and it was all a big mystery???

  3. Love that I know the green light is coming. Keep going baby!!
