Home away from Home

Home away from Home

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Shoveling Snow

Ok there is a saying in Germany "he who shovels the first snow shall have the first clean sidewalk".
Seriously...these German's are outside shoveling their sidewalks before dawn! I can look down my street and see all the cleared sidewalks...then I look at mine, not so much.
So I decided I was going
to get up bright and early and clear my walk! Yes 7:30 I was out there! I beat all the German's! I showed them this was no lazy American! My sidewalks will be clear! Of course this is a two part process. First shovel the snow, then turn my shovel upside down to break the ice and scrape the sidewalk.
So after that is done it is onto my drive way, and then to the walk way to my front door. All cobble stone! So repeat process 1 and 2, then then add my super industrial strength broom to sweep off all the snow. I feel like I do not need to go to the gym after all this. It only takes me an hour to do all this process!
You would think shoveling would only have to be done once in the morning and that would be sufficient. But no, you have to go back out in the middle of the day when it starts to snow again! One upside to this is that if you did shovel in the morning all you need for the second round it your broom!
I wake up in the mornings and cannot figure out why my hands are stiff and sore. Its from holding onto that stupid broom!
So now as I look outside it has started to snow again! I am not going out a third time! You cannot make me!

SIDE NOTE....After I posted this my friend told me that by German law you have to have your side walk shoveled by 6:00 A.M. or the police can write you a ticket! I guess that is why the German's are up before dawn shoveling!

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